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Stanson AST Framework


The Stanson AST framework extends the Groovy AST Framework to selectively provide compile-time type and access checking. The Stanson AST Framework provides the following:

Note: Transformers replicate the functionality of the AST Transformers; however, with this framework, you can nest Transformers. This is somewhat similar to creating aliases with @AnnotationCollector but supports unbounded nesting of Annotations and ability to add attributes to the composite annotation.

Documentation: API Reference


Enforcers enforce compile-time checks on Classes which are annotated with the @Enforceable annotation. To create an enforcer:


Transformers transform the AST for a specified Class. To create a Transformer:

Provided Enforcers/Transformers

All functionality can be used in conjunction with standard AST Transforms, eg. @Builder

Compiler Options
